I have always been fond of reading. A lot of fiction when I was younger. Much more non-fiction later in life. Some books are very formative and play a crucial role, others help you see something in a different light. In light of the purpose of this blog, here are some of the top books I think will be helpful to you in your growth.

These are not definitive books on the subject, theses are books that I have read on those subjects. For example C.S. Lewis’s books don’t define my understanding or teaching on hell & demons, but they are books that are helpful in that category.

Yes, I do own a library of 1,5K physical books. Most of them are used and were bought cheap or gifted to me. And, no I haven’t read them all. But the good news is you don’t have to buy so many books.

Go register for a library card, and usually through apps like Libby and Hoopla, you can borrow all of these books – both as audio-books, and e-books. (also if you work in another county, you can register there for a library card, and tap into their library for wider selection)

I am on Goodreads, feel free to follow me or add me as friend. There are much more books then the ones I recommend here. Also if you click on the book, it will take to a corresponding Goodreads page.

Currently Reading – December 2023

Christianity & Church

Spiritual Formation


Missional Living


Church Culture



Grief & Suffering


The Word of God

Gifts of the Spirit



Hell & Demons



Great Fiction